Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have a lot of UFOs I like starting projects but I don't like finishing them. So what's on the needles?
1. Anthropologie Caplet -- almost done, I will complete this by the end of the week
2. Twist Cardigan -- I haven't even finished the sleeve but I am devoting on hour a day and 2 hours a day on the weekend to get this done by the end of the year or at least by my birthday.
3. Helena (Baby Cardigan) -- all I need to do is finish the sleeves and block.
4. Plain toe up sock -- I finished the toe and that's it.
5. Legwarmers -- for my neice for Christmas.

I can't wait to get these items finished so I can start on other projects. I have so many in my Ravelry que. I want to make another sweater and maybe some mittens but I won't do anything else until I finish at least 3 UFOs. Whew!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Where has the time gone?

I haven't posted since August, wow where has the time gone? Well there has been a lot of family things going on and not much knitting or sewing. I do have a couple of FOs that I will be sharing soon.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

I got my two bottom wisdom teeth removed today. they were bothering me for a very long time. When I went for the consultation about 2 months ago I was told the I have a small mouth and my mouth just can't accomadate 4 extra teeth. the two bottom teeth were partially erupted but couldn't come all the way through. Well today I went in and the Dentist and his assistant were very nice. I had the local and I was in the chair after the needles kicked in he started there was a lot of preassure the whole procdure to take out both teeth lasted about 13 minutes. I had my Ipod in and cranked up so now I am all about the painkillers and laying around. I don't have to go back to work until Wednesday so hopefully I will feel better by then.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ravelry has taken up all of my time

I haven't been blogging because I have been on Ravelry. It is so obsessive. Well here's a post for August.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


More details to come....

Friday, May 16, 2008

It's been a while

I haven't been blogging in a while my computer is being really temprmental latley. It is time for a new one. I'm looking to August for something new with more memory and possibly Vista. I want a Mac but I don't have the money but I NEED a new laptop. So what do you do? settle for something until you get the money for what you relly want. Anyway, what am I working on? a new job for starts but the search is not going so well (enough on that) and as far as knitting goes the Tilted Duster is moving along nicely, I am working on the collar at home and the first sleeve on my train rides to and from work during the week the first sleeve is almost done and I have two inches left on the collar and I can start the skirt. As far as yarn acquitions are concerned this is what I have

Colinette Jitterbug from the Loopy Ewe.

some Lane Borgosesia from Little Knits in Seattle.

And finally 8 skeins of Cascade 220 for this cardigan for the fall.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I am such a bad blogger

Where have I been? I have finishing things up like a mad woman and I have also started a couple of new projects including a sewing project. I have no camera right now and I have no motovation to get organized or even blog. With that said I need to rant... Ok I reeeeaaalllllyy want to get another job. I take public transportation to work and right now I work in the suburbs. It takes about an hour and a half to go to work and I also work with a neurotic, obsessive/compulsive, crazy psycho lady that is miserable and trying to make my life at work miserable in the process. I think that I travel too far and too long to deal with someone so crazy and angry. We all have problems but no one should bring them to work and take the frustrations of their home life out on co workers. I really need some time off to collect myself and get some things together but DBF started a new job two weeks ago and we are saving to do some home renovations. What can I do? I talked to the manager above her and was basically told to screw off because everyone is scared to approach her, because she will fly off the handle and throw a tantrum and will walk out and leave for the rest of the day. So I don't know what to do at this point. Help me

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. I got some very fun knitting related gifts from DBF

Yes, that's right I got SOCKS THAT ROCK!!!! I got 3 skeins of the lightweight in Thistle, and two of the Raven Series in Korppi and Rauen.

I also got two books from Borders.

DBF and I also went to the Art museum and Bennigans. What a great day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I'm Back!!!

I had no camera for at least a month, but that didn't keep me from my knitting I started a couple of proects:

Baby Kimono from Mason Dixon Knitting

I finished two Socks from Favorite Socks:

The Embosses Leaves Socks from Favorite Socks:

The Waving Lace Socks:

This is my first lace shawl project the Kiri Shawl, I found this pattern on Ravelry:
I ended up using some of my Lorna's Laces yarn for this shawl, I wanted it to be a bit heavier.